Did you know?
* As of today, we do not have any one on our wait list for our Truck and Transport Service Technician program at NBCC Moncton.
* We have a new Truck & Transport training facility.
* Employment opportunities are good for our graduates
* Students are eligible to write their first apprenticeship exam after studying one year at NBCC Moncton
* It takes students approximately three more years of work and returning to school for 6 weeks to become a license T &T Technician
* Starting hourly rate for our graduates is approximately $13. 50 per hour and by the time they become licensed the hourly rate is approximately in the mid twenty range ($25.00/ per hour)
Did you know?
* NBCC MONCTON Metal Department is hosting a National Skills Competition & Open House on Saturday, April 12 10am to 4pm. Everyone Welcome!
* Students can apply free for many of our programs including Sheet Metal, Machinist, and Cook.... Openings exist in these programs. Tuition $2600.00
Did you know?
* NBCC Moncton offers a new program "PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKER"
* Excellent employment opportunities in this field including the hospital setting
* PSW involves patience care and many courses are transferable to our Practical Nursing program
* PSW or Nursing program? We are open to talk to clients about the difference in the two programs.
Did you know?
* NBCC Moncton is offering an extra WELDING program, students apply directly to the campus, tuition is $8000 however, if students stay and work in NB- students may be reimburse for a 50% tuition rebate.(OPENING EXIST)
* NBCC Moncton offers a Agricultural/ Heavy Equipment Repair program (OPENING EXIST)
Pat Veysey, Training Consultant NBCC Moncton
856-3947/ patricia.veysey@gnb.ca